Is it me or is it you?

It happens sometimes… Some memories are there, beautiful, yet now all they is make it all worse for us… Dont they?

We all have that. Too common for human beings. Everyday they come, remind us what happiness what meant to us once… And what they mean to us now. Makes us wonder, how life changed and how much we never wanted it to… Feelings sound too familiar? Is it that I am speaking or is it your heart?

I leave that answer… to you.

Now you will have to listen to me.. Would you like to?  So here we are, both of us sitting, heart taking us back to those days and mind, doing a lot of hard work to not allow you to… 

And what happens then, there are those few days of extreme pain and helplessness and then it becomes habit. Human nature to gradually adapt, to understand that some things are just meant to stay like that… You know those memories wont leave you, but the truth is you wont like them to, too dear for us to let it all go isnt it?

So we just keep them, our little treasure. 

And then we change, we start leading a dual life from inside… One part which lives in the past, loves it so much that it wishes every second for those days to return back…  The Other part which you show to everyone, everyday, which mayne doesnt give a damn to what happened, that “I dont care now”part,that I can live happily part…

 I cant say which part is right and which part is wrong because that would just be a wrong question. Instead, the right question would be…. Why two parts? Why when something happens to us so beyond our imagination, why does it divide us in two parts?

The sad thing is, I cant answer that question for you… It is a question which you need to answer… A question, to which I am still trying to find the answer for.. But this one answer is for meant for you all to find youself… 

Because that answer will help you, Find your own self.

So now the question is..

Is it me or is it you? Who was speaking just now? Was it me or was it your heart? I dont know that..

All I know is, Whoever it was, it will soon be back…. 

In a while….

Its been time. It has really been time since I have done the things I used to do.
Writing blogs, creating poems, reading novels and among all that…. feeling loved. All these things I have not been able to do in a while, which makes me wonder…. about the changes that we come across.

The mystical powers that the Time possess, to change everything which once mattered to you into nothing. To show you, how temporary most of the things are. To make you realise, you still have a long way to go.

Feelings are an exception though, they seldom change. Even if you show that you hate that person/thing, there must have been a time when you would have loved it. That feeling of love will never go away, whatever you do.

When your life takes a turn and you start losing control over yourself, you let it all go.
They say,” Sometimes its good to go with the flow.
Maybe its true, or maybe its not.
If I look at myself, that change hasn’t been so rough. Though I accept that not being able to do whatever I loved really made me feel a sense of loss but Time as I said, with its magical powers, would do something better for me.


True... To the core

So yes, I don’t say give in to life, neither can I ever say, give up to life; but there are times when you do go with the flow.
Just don’t be afraid, that you are losing control over your life and all. Have faith.
Its only that you don’t know what to do so you are just letting life reveal itself to you in its mystical ways. You are not losing control over it whatsoever.

In a while?
It will all be fine….